You have questions, we have answers.

The smallest Window Universe team member.
A sleepy window baby

We’ve worked with thousands of customers over the years and there’s no question we haven’t been asked a thousand times. Here we’ll answer some of the questions that we’re frequently asked by customers shopping for new windows.

If you have a question that’s not answered here contact us today. We’ll send you a copy of our price list and we’ll be happy to answer absolutely anything. We may even add your question to this list to help everyone else too.

First, you’ll see questions about our company, then we’ll list common questions about the products we offer and the installation too.

I must have asked Emily 1000 questions and she always got right back to me with answers. You guys were so much more responsive than any other company that I talked to.

Ingrid – Carmel, IN

Our company

How long has Window Universe been in business?

We’ve been in business since 2008 so we’ve been helping people with their windows and doors for over 15 years now. The manufacturers we work with have been around even longer, some over 70 years, so this is a very stable operation.

What are the payment terms?

We accept cash, checks, all credit cards and we also offer financing options, subject to credit approval, including $0 down and different term length promotions to help fit your budget. There’s no payment required to get your project started. For info on specific financing plans available right now you can request a quote and price list through this page. One of our window experts will be able to send information on the current financing options.

Do my husband and I both need to be home for your estimate?

Absolutely not. We’ll send you all of the pricing and product info by email so nobody needs to be home for you to get a quote for your window and door project. We’ve created the absolute easiest way to order new windows.

How can you give me a quote without measurements?

All of the windows and doors we offer are custom made. We will have all of your windows and doors professionally measured before they order goes into production, but we don’t need to do that yet.

The actual pricing of the windows and doors doesn’t vary much based on the exact sizes. We can share the pricing with you now and we’ll measure everything when you’re ready to place the order. By not paying to send people running all over town measuring for quotes we’re able to keep prices down and quality up.

How can you give me a detailed and itemized quote by email when the last company I met with took 3+ hours to give me the price?

This is one of our favorite questions. The answer is because we choose to. We understand you probably have other things on your schedule and we do too.

We only need pretty basic info to give you a quote. We deal with window projects just like yours every single day so there’s nothing at your project that we haven’t seen a thousand times. The prices aren’t secret so we’ll be happy to email them to you.

The other companies need to take 3+ hours because they spend the first two hours trying to justify their high prices and the next hour explaining the super duper deal you’ll get if you buy today.

There’s an old line in this business that if your price is too high your story is too short. That’s a silly attitude to have these days, but our prices and windows are great so our story doesn’t need to be very long.

Someone knocked on my door recently to say they were working in my neighborhood and offered me a “special deal”. Is this a good deal?

No. Historically home improvement companies will hire teams of canvassers to go out and knock on doors to solicit business. They might even approach you at a big box store or a gas station. These are never great deals.

Generally only the highest priced companies do this type of marketing. We know they’ll tell you all sorts of stories about the super special deal you can get today, but it’s almost never true.

If you did get a quote from one of these companies you can compare by requesting a quote by email from us. Our window expert will be able to answer any questions and help to compare the options. That way you’ll know for sure if you’re getting a good deal or not.

Do you measure the windows before you order them? I want custom windows.

Yes. All of the windows and doors we offer a custom made to fit perfectly. We’ll have each opening professionally measured so everything will work just right and you don’t need to measure anything.

We don’t need the exact sizes to get you the prices so there’s no need to measure at the beginning. We absolutely will measure everything before the order goes into production.

Will the price change after the measurements are taken?

The sizes do not affect the prices as long as your windows are within the min and max manufacturing size. For example the max size for a double hung window is 52″ wide by 96″ tall. That’s over 4 feet wide by 8 feet tall. Most double hung windows aren’t anywhere near that size. 

It is possible that something could come up at the measurement appointment that does affect the price. We have a plan for everything around here and that scenario is no exception.

If we do find something at the measurement appointment that will affect the price we’ll be in touch with the options. You’ll be able to either pick out one of the options or cancel your order at no cost. You’re never stuck with anything. Remember, we’ve made this easy. 

Your quote is much lower than another estimate I received. What am I sacrificing by going with you as opposed to the higher priced company?

We employ a number of strategies to keep our prices low. For instance, an old fashioned window company will spend up to 40% of their total revenue on sales and marketing and even more on overhead, company cars, offices, etc. That means if you sign a $10,000 contract $4,000 or more could be going towards things you don’t care about. That’s a lot of money.

We don’t spend any money on sales commissions or marketing. We don’t have any sales people and we don’t do any fancy advertising. Every dollar you spend with us goes towards things you do care about like quality products and expert installers. 

Some larger companies will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars every year on ads in the newspaper, on the radio and on TV. Do you think they need to recoup these costs by charging higher prices? They certainly do.

The short answer is that you’re not sacrificing anything! We offer great products at great prices with great service and great warranties to back them up. You can see great customer feedback on our references page. Our customers know a great deal when they see one!

Paying too much is so 2007!


What is the warranty on the windows?

Most of the windows we offer will come with lifetime warranties that are good for as long as you own your home. Many also cover accidental glass breakage along with all hardware, frames, sashes, and more. Most warranties are also transferable when you sell the home. This is the best type of window warranty available today.

We also offer commercial and multi-family windows that are generally sold to businesses and not individuals. In those cases a lifetime warranty doesn’t make sense since a business doesn’t have a lifetime. Ask your window expert about commercial warranties if they’re relevant to your project.

How efficient are your windows?

We tend to offer a much wider range of features and options than most companies so we’ll have a wide range of efficiency packages available. Generally U-Factors are available down to 0.19 (lower is better when it comes to U-Factors).

We’ll also have windows with very low air infiltration rates, down to 0.01, and windows with a range of Solar Heat Gain Coefficients or SHGC to solve any problem.

If you’re concerned about sound transmission we have options with great STC ratings and we can also review options with outstanding Condensation Resistance ratings too.

Once you request a copy of our window pricing through the website our window experts will email you information on several common efficiency packages including all relevant ratings. We try not to overwhelm you with info but if you want any more detail on anything just write back to let us know. We can help with anything and we have a solution for almost everything.

What type of windows do you offer?

We offer a very wide range of window choices. As one of the larger companies in the country every manufacturer wants us to carry their windows. We’re constantly evaluating the options to make sure we’re offering the best possible value in terms of quality, efficiency, features and price.

We offer windows for remodeling, new construction, and multi-family projects and all of these customers have different needs. Contact us today to get in touch with one of our window experts by email for more info about specific suggestions for your specific project.

Will your windows have slim frames to maximize light?

Definitely. We offer a pretty wide range of choices and we tend to suggest options that will maximize glass area. Some windows will have bulky frames and we tend to stay away from products like that.

Do these windows have welded corners and virgin vinyl and glass breakage warranty and a sloped sill and upgraded balances and…?

Yes. We know a salesperson may have told you that he’s the only guy in town who offers this feature or that. They sometimes say that a manufacturer made a “special” window just for them or that they’ll make your house the model home if you just sign up today and promise to keep the prices secret from your neighbors.

Typically none of that is true. If you’ve heard about a feature or option that you’d like to include just let us know. I’m sure we can help out and if not we’ll tell you. We’re the most honest window company you’ll ever meet. 

How long does it take to get new windows these days?

As you’re probably aware, the lead time for building products has been a little volatile. Things have stabilized from the hardest days, but there is still a lot of variability. For example, if you order certain color options or glass options the lead time can be longer than for a more basic order.

So, there isn’t one answer that could accurately describe the timing for new windows and doors. We’re currently seeing our typical replacement window projects running about 6-12 weeks from when you complete the order forms until the windows are installed.

If the timing is critical for you be sure to ask your window expert about expected timing as it relates to your specific order. They’ll be able to give you the latest info factoring your exact order into their estimate of the timing.

How much do windows and doors cost today?

With everything being custom made windows prices can vary quite a bit. You can pick top of the line triple pane windows in a multi-lite casement configuration with a black exterior and the cost will certainly be higher than a more basic single hung window with double pane glass and white frames. Luckily, we can get you the exact prices by email right away so you can pick an option that works for you.

Just click this link to answer a few simple questions about what you have in mind. Then one of our window exerts will send you an itemized copy of the pricing info for our most popular options. That way there’s no need to guess or estimate prices. We’ll get you the exact prices so you’ll know exactly what will be involved in replacing your windows and doors.

Do you offer double pane or triple pane windows?

Yes. Since all of the windows we offer are custom made you can order them any way you’d like. Triple pane windows are popular for several reasons. They can improve the overall efficiency of the window in a very measurable way, they can reduce sound transmission through the window and they can increase property values more than other options because triple pane glass is very easy for someone buying your house to see and understand.

We’re happy to help with an order for either triple pane or double pane windows and we can easily explain the differences in efficiency and cost when you get your copy of our itemized window price list.


Do you offer custom sized doors?

Absolutely. Doors are a little different than windows in that they are made in both standard and custom sizes. When we’re sending you pricing info for your door project we may ask that you take approximate measurements to make sure we’re on the same page.

If that’s not easy for you to do it’s not a big deal. For example, if you don’t live in the home yet we can approximate the size. We’ll always have the doors professionally measured before anything is ordered so you don’t need to worry about the measurements.

Do you offer pre-finished doors?

Yes. All of the doors we offer are available with pre-finished slabs and jambs to make sure they look great and last a very long time. If you’d prefer to paint your new door yourself that is also an option. Sometimes customers elect to do that to achieve an exact match with other doors or trim in the house. Sometimes people elect to do that to keep the prices down. Either way we do offer doors both pre-finished and unfinished so you can pick the best option for your project.

Can I use my own door hardware?

Certainly. If you already have hardware that you’d like to use we can order doors to accommodate it. It’s most helpful if you have information on the manufacturer and model of the hardware that you’d like to use so we can make sure the holes in the doors are drilled properly. Different hardware options can have different sizing and backspacing requirements. Typically door hardware manufacturers have this information readily available.

Can my new door use the same key as my old door?

Yes. In most cases this is not a problem at all. We’ll need you to provide either the key number for your existing locks or a very good copy of an existing key. With that we can order the new door to be keyed the same as your existing door. This is particularly helpful if you use the same key for several doors in your house.

There are some limitations to this. For example the key locks on a common model of sliding doors will use a shorter key than a typical front door so they cannot be keyed alike. If that is critical for you we could use a different model patio door. Multiple sliding doors can also be keyed alike so three sliding doors with key locks could all use the same key. Be sure to discuss this with your window and door expert before placing your order.


How long will it take to install my project?

The exact work time for any project can be hard to estimate. If the work time is critical be sure to ask your window and door expert about it. In general, the installation crews will be able to install 10-20 windows in a day. Sometimes more and sometimes less.

New construction projects can be faster than remodeling projects since every remodeling project can be a little different. And, you don’t need to remove the old windows in a new construction project. Regardless we always want to make sure things are done right. If that means the project takes a little longer to complete then that’s what it takes. We don’t want to rush the project and sacrifice quality. If a project takes more than one work day we’ll always leave things secure, weather tight and as clean as possible overnight.

How does the process of measuring, ordering, manufacturing and installing my windows work?

Every project that we offer is professionally measured, manufactured and installed by the manufacturer’s installation department to ensure quality results. Use the links above to learn more about each step in the installation process.

Since we work with so many customers we have a plan for everything. That makes our projects run smoothly and keeps everything on track.

What if there is a service call required after my installation?

It is possible that something could come in with a defect or otherwise incorrect. We couldn’t tell you we’ve never seen a scratched lock or a torn screen. That’s just how life goes sometimes. Since we do have a process for everything it’s always easy to get any issues resolved.

The installation department will note any outstanding issue on the completion form you sign when the windows are installed. If parts are needed they’ll be ordered immediately, or they might be available at the local warehouse. Once any necessary parts are available the installation department will schedule the service appointment and everything will be looking great. It’s generally very easy to get any issues resolved. You can find more info about the service and warranty process here.

Do you offer full frame replacement?

Yes. As you can probably tell from reading through our site we offer far more than many smaller window companies. It’s always our advice to talk with your window expert about any installation questions or style ideas before committing to one thing or another.

We commonly see customers convinced they need something in particular because of what some salesman told them or because of something they read online. This can be a challenging business to navigate and the commission based salespeople often make it harder, sometimes on purpose. We can help to make it easier.

We know the guy who suggested this might have seemed like a great and knowledgable person. Just remember it’s often in his interest to drive up the total cost. Window salesmen are often paid 10% of the contract price so if he can add $5,000 to your order he will put $500 extra in his pocket.

Nobody here is paid commission so it’s our job to help you find the best solution, not the most expensive. In some cases using a new construction window in a replacement project can make sense. In other cases it’s done purely to increase the cost of the project. Our window experts will help you get to the bottom of it.

Why should I request a quote by email right now?

Because replacing your windows and doors can be a big project and it’s always helpful to have more information rather than less.

If you’re thinking about a project like this now or in the future you’ll want to understand the options and understand what it will cost. We will send you that information by email with no hassles and no runaround.

If you end up placing your order now that’s great. If you decide to wait on the project that’s fine too. Quotes do expire over time and you’ll see the expiration date on the top right section of the page so you know what to expect.

It doesn’t cost you anything to have all of the information before making a decision and it could save you quite a lot. We don’t pester you with phone calls, we don’t even ask for your phone number, but we are happy to talk about anything. We’ll just send you an email with real prices and product info. Then we’re available if you’d like to hit reply and ask any questions. You won’t believe how easy we’ve made this process. Get your itemized window and door price list here.

Questions about windows? Ask Window Universe.

Step 1: We'll email you our itemized price list

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Itemized Price List Request Form

What happens next?

You'll receive an email with the following info:

Window brochures and product details

Efficiency ratings and tax credit information

Itemized window price list

Showroom address and hours

Project pictures and customer feedback

Much more

If you're considering a window project you'll want this information.